California Hospital and HCLA IPA Partner to Overcome Housing Barriers
/July 11, 2024

Samaritan is a digital health intervention program that leverages a mobile app, an online community, and financial and social support to help people at risk for or experiencing homelessness to reach health and housing goals and meet other immediate needs. Health Care LA, IPA collaborated with the California Health Care Foundation and California Hospital Medical Center to implement the Samaritan pilot in five community health centers in the Los Angeles area. The pilot was a great success, with participating members experiencing meaningful financial and social support, improved health outcomes, and greater self-efficacy.
- Click here to read an Executive Summary of the pilot program’s outcomes.
- Click here to read about the Samaritan experience from the members’ perspective.
- Click here to read a full report of methodologies, outcomes, and considerations.
If you would like to read more about Samaritan’s life-changing approach and programs, click to visit their website.